Applying Anti-Slip Coatings to Your Garage Flooring

One of the essential concerns about epoxy flooring or some other coating for the garage, is the manner by which slippery it might be when wet and what should be possible regarding an anti-slip coating to make a non-slide surface. The point can get mistaken for producers prescribing a wide assortment of additives from sand, to aluminium oxide, or a little polymer based coarseness like Shark Grip.

Since resinous garage floor coatings, for example, epoxy, polyurethane and polyurea are non-permeable, the surface made can be extremely smooth, practically like glass at times. While this kind of surface is fine when dry, it can move toward becoming as slippery with the introduction of water, mud, oils, dirt and grits. So we should be careful to decide whether you require an anti-slip coating in any case and afterward investigate what sort is best for your epoxy floor and how to utilize it.


When choosing whether or not you require a anti-slip coating for your garage floor coating, one of the main things to mull over is the atmosphere in which you live. On the off chance that your garage will see a wealth of water from wet autos or liquefying snow, at that point a non-slip floor merits considering. Snow and ice specifically doesn’t blend well with covered garage floors. In the event that you live in a more parched piece of the nation it may not be important.

Another thought is the manner by which you anticipate utilizing the floor. On the off chance that you are constantly required with ventures that can include spilled liquids, for example, oil, anti-stop, chemicals, or and so on that can make a slip fall risk, at that point an anti-slip coating would help. On the other hand, there is in no way like tidying up spills promptly that will reduce slip fall mischances and not require a non-slide surface.

The sort of floor coating framework that you introduce can be a factor also. In the event that you pick a story without paint chips or some other media, for example, quartz, at that point you will have an extremely smooth surface which is the most helpful for being slippery when wet. Be that as it may, a story with a ¾ to full shading chip application will make a marginally unpredictable surface when top covered with polyurethane or a diminished epoxy or polyurea coating. This unpredictable surface can give extra grasp in a wet domain that a smooth floor won’t.

Two minimal known realities about recently covered garage floors have added to some baseless claims about epoxy and different coatings being slippery also. The main truth is that the coating will build up a static charge amid the application and curing process that will last a couple of days or somewhere in the vicinity. This charge will draw all the fine clean particles out of the air to gather on the floor and make it slippery. This charge will scatter before long be that as it may and the slippery tidy issue will leave.

The second obscure truth is that a spic and span floor coating will be amazingly smooth (like glass) after the underlying establishment which can make it slippery when wet. Once the floor builds up some activity, minuscule scratches at first glance will show up (these are not noticeable as a rule) and increment the hold of the floor massively.

On the off chance that you would prefer not to sit tight for movement and ordinary use to make these tiny scratches, at that point you can simply daintily scrape it with a pink or white buffing cushion which will make a superior grasp. This will somewhat evacuate a portion of the sparkle of the floor, however it will in any case remain very light intelligent and be glossier than a matte wrap up.


The most prescribed additive to make a non-slip surface for epoxy, garage floor paint, and other garage floor coatings is ground polymer coarseness, for example, Shark Grip. This coarseness comprises of little micronized polymer dabs that are delicate to the feet and skin. It winds up noticeably translucent when added to a coating and will make little knocks for grasp when blended into the last best layer of your floor.

On the off chance that you look carefully, you can see the polymer anti-slip coarseness in this garage floor coating.

On the off chance that your last best coat is thicker, for example, 100% solids epoxy or a polyurea item, at that point you should run with somewhat bigger polymer coarseness. The micronized coarseness like that of Shark Grip and comparable items is too little for the thicker coatings and tends to sink underneath the surface and not be successful. You will need to utilize a coarseness measure with a work in the vicinity of 30 and 60 (littler numbers are bigger in estimate) to accomplish great outcomes. You can discover a case of that here from Legacy Industrial.

Another material that makes a fantastic non-slip surface for epoxy coatings is an aluminum oxide additive. This is a more forceful coarseness that is suspended in the last best coat like polymer coarseness. It functions admirably in modern sort settings where greatest hold is wanted or where amazingly slippery conditions exist.

Notwithstanding claims from a few organizations be that as it may, this kind of anti-slip coating isn’t the most benevolent to exposed feet and skin. It’s forceful nature can likewise make issues with getting mop strings and earth when cleaning the floor. While it functions admirably as a anti-slip coating, it can be more than what a great many people need for a garage situation. It’s not the best floor surface either for youthful kids that may trek and skin themselves on the floor.

At long last there is the utilization of fine silica sand. This works best when scattered over the coat preceding the last best coat. The last best coat is then connected over the sand to make the uneven surface required. While this kind of non-slip will work, it’s best when utilized with a shaded best coat in light of the fact that the sand is obvious with a reasonable coat.

A few downsides to sand is that it can be excessively forceful for a garage situation like aluminum oxide. Some say that the surface is like fine sandpaper and that it makes it harder to clean. It additionally tends to separate after some time and cause little splits and pockets in the surface of the best coat as it wears.

The most effective method to APPLY ANTI-SLIP COATINGS

epoxy anti-slip coating additiveWhen introducing a garage floor coating yourself, the for the most part acknowledged technique to applying a anti-slip coating, for example, polymer coarseness or aluminum oxide is to blend it into the last best coat preceding moving it onto the floor. 3 to 4 ounces for every gallon of epoxy or other coating is the suggested proportion. Any more than that will present clustering of the material and isn’t an attractive effect for the complete of the floor.

While applying it to 100% solids epoxy or polyurea, it’s best to blend it into the last best coat first and after that pour the substance in strips over the floor. You would then be able to roll and back roll the coating not surprisingly. The non-slip coarseness will have a tendency to scatter itself equitably over the surface of the floor along these lines.

On the off chance that you are applying a polyurethane top coat or a more slender water based epoxy pack, at that point you will work by rolling the substance out of a paint plate. It’s best to blend the additive into the coating at that point empty it into your plate. It’s essential to take note of that while these additives do genuinely well at remaining suspended in the blend for a brief span, they will sink to the base and ought to be remixed each time before emptying the substance into the plate.

Different strategies include sprinkling the additive over the coating or base coat before applying the last best coat or simply hurling the anti-slip coating over the last best coat. The issue with this is you can get poor conveyance of the non-slip total or when connected to the highest point of the last coat, it can pull away with wear and make pockets in the surface that gather earth.

Out of the distinctive strategies to accomplish an anti-slip surface for garage floor coatings, our most loved is the blending of polymer coarseness into the last best coat. It makes for the gentlest feel that won’t scratch your go down if working under an auto or strolling in your exposed feet. In addition, it’s the minimum unmistakable of the anti-slip coatings, particularly when connected to a story with shading chips.